Princess and Fairy: Fairytale Parade by Anna Pignataro

Scholastic, 2011. ISBN: 978 1 74169 788 9.
Princess and Fairy, two delightful rabbits, are celebrating
Storybook Week with banners, books and dress-ups, when an envelope
containing an invitation appears before them. After writing a list
of all of the things they will need, they board an enchanted bus
which takes them to numerous Fairy Tale settings. They visit Bunny
Sea World, Pixie Hood Forest, Wonderland Mead, Bunny Beanstalk,
Cinderbell Ball and finally the Fairytale Parade at the Library
Tree. When they discover that the Wolf has eaten the book, they try
to create the best story possible to share with the crowd.
It would seem that there are five other titles and an activity book
in this series. I suspect that each would appeal to the young female
readers who love fairies, dressing up and all things 'cute and
cuddly'. With the added attraction of finding all of the items
mentioned in the rabbits' list, the delightful pastel coloured
illustrations, a smattering of glitter and rhyming text, this title
would keep the girls engaged for extended periods. Anna Pignataro's
style of illustration differs depending on the content of the story
and the author with whom she is working but these match her tale
Jo Schenkel