Pretty girls don't eat by Winnie Salamon

Bloomsbury, 2017. ISBN 9781925272772
(Age: 13+) Recommended. Pretty girls don't eat is a realistic
chain of events involving numerous real life debacles. Winter May, a
16 year-old fashion designer, has one dream and one dream only, to
pursue a long-awaited career in the fashion industry. While
fine-tuning her sewing skills, Winter comes across Mable's, a large
fashion shop designed for plus-sized girls to feel comfortable about
their weight. After landing a job, Winter started to think she
could lose a few kilos here and there, after all, it wouldn't hurt
to try, but she was wrong. The tables turn when she discovers that
she has a chance in pursuing her dream.
Winnie Salamon's book will leave its readers committed and involved
to changing today's perception of body image. The author has
carefully used her modern understanding of body image to create a
truly inspiring novel to raise awareness of the problem of eating
disorders. This book will entertain as well as educate nearly every
audience and will teach people to be themselves no matter what they
look like. Pretty girls don't eat will leave you inspired to
do more and change society's biased perception of body image.
Jasmine M. (student)