Preloved by Shirley Marr

Black Dog Books, 2012. ISBN 9781742931903.
(Age 12+) Recommended. Amy always feels as if her glamorous friend
Rebecca sidelines her. To add to her woes she has a Chinese mother
who is always coming out with strange superstitions. She is obsessed
with stuff from the 1980s, and helping her mother in their vintage
store is not a great chore. When she comes across a silver locket
with a photo of a boy dressed in authentic 80s clothes, her life is
turned upside. Logan is the ghost of a boy from the Eighties and
even though it is obvious that he was meant to haunt Rebecca, Amy
becomes obsessed with this annoying and persistent ghost.
Preloved is a really interesting story with fabulous characters that
were quite different to many found in young adult books. The loving
but sometimes irritable, relationship between Amy and her Chinese
mother, who is a firm believer in ghosts and has many stories about
them, comes across as real and authentic. Rebecca is a strange girl
and seems to be a poor choice for a best friend, and Logan's
character and story are fascinating.
I loved the humour in this book. Amy's smart comments were a joy to
read and kept me entertained throughout the book. Readers who like
the 80's period, will love the references to The Princess Bride and
the clothes and culture of the period. They will also enjoy the
references to the contents of the vintage shop and the idea that
preloved things can be loved again
It is difficult to categorise Preloved. It is not a standard ghost
story or a standard adolescent novel. It is part a coming of age
story, part romance and part an exploration of family and succeeds
very well as an unusual and interesting read.
Pat Pledger