Pookie Aleera is not my boyfriend by Steven Herrick

UQP, 2013. ISBN 978 0 7022 4928 0.
(Age: 12+) Highly recommended. Verse novel. Country life. School.
With a range of people within the school having a voice through the
blank verse poems on every page, life in this small rural community
is revealed. Cameron tells of his abilities in the classroom, his
witty retorts to their new teacher, Ms Arthur, his ongoing feud with
the local newsagent, banning him when she finds him reading the
comics from the shelf, the class love of the two word filler, where
Spookie Aleera comes to life, the almost romances between some of
the class, the evenings at home. A variety of voices is heard often
with a wry tone, but certainly with wit and humour, pathos and some
tears. We hear of Jacob's run in with Charlie, the bank manager's
son, the building of a platform in the tree for the apple cores for
the birds, the joy at home on the farm when the rain comes. But
watching over all is Mick, the school captain who seems to attract
trouble, but wishes everyone to be happy and so devises a plan
whereby everyone will be kind for a whole week.
Steven Herrick's prowess with subtly building character and setting
through verse is well known, and this ability is more than evident
in this latest book, as he weaves a community until we know it well,
caring for the members as it they were known to us, wanting to know
how they fare.
Herrick's time in schools has been well spent. His eye for budding
relationships, the odd child, the lonely, the outsiders, the
watchers, the young teacher and her following, the principal and the
groundsman is spot on. And the spot appearances of the local
constable, ready to teach the children something important, are
embarrassingly real.
Fran Knight