Plague by Michael Grant

Gone series, Book 4. Egmont, 2011. ISBN 9781405256575.
(Age 14+) The fourth instalment of the thrilling Gone series, Plague
brings a new element to the FAYZ where it has been eight months since
all the adults disappeared. The Darkness has managed to take over its
Nemesis and a killer plague is spreading over the land. Lana can't cure
this and the metallic bugs that grow inside flesh, eating their way
out, are also proving almost impossible to kill. Water is running very
short at Perdido Beach and Sam, with his trusty cohort of Dekka and
Jack, set out to a big lake a distance away in the hope of finding a
better place for the little colony to live. These are desperate time
and terrible decisions must be made to save those children left in the
frightening colony.
Plague takes this series well into the horror genre. The back
warns that the book 'contains scenes of cruelty and some violence', and
the descriptions of the flesh eating bugs are truly horrific as are
some of the murder scenes and the evil Drake continues to ferociously
and gleefully wield his whip arm. And the scenes of children coughing
up their lungs and splattering walls and bystanders are ones I want to
forget! This is not for the faint-hearted - the fast paced action
driven story reels from one dire situation to another, with scenes that
would make a terrific movie.
There is some character development. Sam takes a central role once
again in this book, realising that he does have to use his leadership
skills to keep those he loves alive and Jack proves that he can be a
hero as well as a computer nerd. The introduction of Toto, a kid whose
powers allow him to tell whether someone is telling the truth, allows
for some slight humour in the dialogue and also proves to be a trial
for Caine. The dual Drake and Brianna continue to horrify and the
Darkness/gaiaphage starts to gain a bit for meaning for the reader.
Astrid, too, can no longer be the bystander while others make awful
decisions and she is faced with the reality of what Little Pete is
doing to the colony. Diana is faced with an awful predicament as a
result of her relationship with Caine, who has decided visions of
Usually three books in a series is more than enough for me, unless a
new main character is introduced in each book as Alyxandra Harvey does
in her Blood Feud series, but I know that I will have to read
the final
two books. In fact, I can't even imagine how Grant will get his
characters out of the FAYZ and back to reality, if in fact he does!
Pat Pledger