Pirouette by Robyn Bavati

Penguin Books, 2014. ISBN 9780143569374.
Well recommended for Middle secondary. A fascinating insight into
the world of twins, one who loves ballet and wants to dance as a
career, the other, a beautifully talented ballet dancer who doesn't
want to dance but has a prestigious place at a dance academy. Simone
and Hannah were born in Brazil where their parents died in a car
crash. Their Mother danced with the Paris Opera and thanks to a
caring nurse, who couldn't bear to see them separated over
continents swapped one baby and so they were both adopted and sent
to Australia. There they lead very different lives and when they
finally meet by chance at 'Candance' for a holiday ballet school
they agree to swap roles. Complications arise as they both like
different boys who find their behaviour unsettling and confusing.
The teachers too, observe the differences but stay silent to the
girls. The dialogue between the girls is intimate and well- drawn.
They send away for their DNA and are delighted to find the positive
result. Their individual characters are very different but also very
engaging. The final outcome is cleverly contrived and very happily
resolved. The final chapter brings the story to a complete
conclusion back in Brazil. It's a very engaging novel with family
relationships strong and supportive. A delightful book for those who
love ballet and developing relationships with boys, family and
friends. Ballet terms are used throughout so there is an
authenticity about the text.
Sue Nosworthy