Pink by Janet A. Holmes and Jonathan Bentley

Little Hare, 2011. ISBN 9781921541797.
Lily loves all things pink - strawberry ice cream, her pink bike,
her pink tutu, her pink ball and her pink high-heeled boots, hat and
feather boa. But poor Lily has no one to share her ice cream, to
play catch with, to dance or ride with or even to dress up with.
Poor, lonely Lily. She tries to make friends with the snail, the
mouse and the chicken and the goat chews her beautiful hat. Will she
ever find a friend? And then, along comes the perfect friend of all
. . . a beautiful, intelligent, pink . . .
Miss 5 adores pink and she adored this story. It's fun, it's
imaginative and the perfect feel-good, close-your-eyes story for
bedtime. I just hope she doesn't ask for a pink . . . to go with all
her other pink things. Could be tricky.
Barbara Braxton