Pig the grub by Aaron Blabey

Scholastic, 2018. ISBN 9781742769691
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. Themes: Dogs. Bath time. Smells. With
wonderful words that rhyme with "rotten" and "rank" and "muck" that
will bring lots of laughter from young readers, Blabey shows Pig the
pug's antics as he does everything he can to avoid being bathed. He
is the smelliest dog around, known for his loathsome habits shown in
some detail in the book and readily recognised by the audience. He
scrapes his bottom along the ground, rolls in the mud, drags things
from the bin, licks up flavours long past their use by date, loves
playing with poo, sniffs other dogs' bottoms and even drinks from
the loo.
All these gross habits will resonate with kids as they read,
screaming out words which reflect their disgust at Pig's habits.
So when mum decides it is time for the bath, Pig does all he can to
avoid the torture. He gallops through the house, avoiding capture at
every turn until, armed with a wrench, he turns the water off in the
Kids will applaud his inventiveness but the action causes the water
to explode from the wall, making his having a bath inevitable.
Sitting in the bath, Pig has his revenge, because even here he can
cause mayhem with a smell.
A wonderful new story about Pig the pug, Blabey invests his little
dog with such mischievous looks that everyone will be entranced by
him. The looks on his face are priceless, Blabey able to give a
knowing look on that pug face with absolute conviction.
Blabey's illustrations, acrylic with pen and pencil, are a delight
from the mud pawed endpapers, to Pig's pink shower cap, the
overturned bin and the knowing looks of the pig's companion - each
page bringing a fresh look to peruse and look at more closely. The
use of different sized font, italics and white space make reading
this out loud a treat, and younger readers will adore predicting the
next word in the line, after they have finished laughing.
Fran Knight