Pick a pine tree by Patricia Toht

Ill. by Jarvis. Walker Books, 2017. ISBN 9781406360608
"Pick a pine tree from the lot -
Slim and tall or short and squat.
Long, straight limbs
Or branches bent . . . .
Mmm! Just smell that piney scent!" Publisher
I absolutely loved this picture book. It bought back many wonderful
memories of my own childhood - my sister perched up the tree with
Mum directing her as to which branch to cut and then the difficult
task of trying to make the said branch stand somewhat nicely. This
book takes us all on a familiar journey that we all venture on at
this time of year. It starts with choosing the perfect tree and
strapping it to the roof to ensure it arrives home safely. On
arrival home, the arduous task of rearranging the furniture to allow
the tree to have pride of place. The beautiful rhyming in the book
will provide ample opportunities for prediction as it is read aloud.
Excitement is built as each stage is reached and then the spreading
of Christmas cheer reinforces the true meaning of this special time
of year. This will be a welcome addition to the Christmas collection
and it will be sure to catch the eye of the reader with the sparkly
writing on the cover. Many children will be able to connect to the
story with this yearly ritual being performed every year right
around the world.
Kathryn Schumacher