Perfect tunes by Emily Gould

Scribner, 2020. ISBN: 9781471175053.
(Age: Adult) This is an intriguing story of a talented woman who has
grown up with music at the heart of her early life. Laura has always
loved music and in her adolescent years she wrote a 'perfect' song.
This impacted on her life choices, defining her 'self' and her
career. As she matured, however, she gradually became unsure of
herself and felt that she had been changed by particular events in
her life, particularly in her experience of motherhood.
Later in life, living in New York, Laura meets her old friend and,
in considering how much her friend has changed, wonders how much she
herself is also very different to her younger self, and obliquely,
how much her old self is still yearning for the excitement of her
youth. As a mother she is more wary of situations where she may be
tempted to return to her youthful ways. When she is walking through
the museum one day, she wonders if 'the music in her head has gone
silent'. Yet she dreams of whether she might still be considered as
the hot entertainer of her youth, as she is younger than most of the
other mothers whose lives she shares.
The yearning to recreate herself and to enjoy the excitement of the
musical world is in contrast to her role as a loving mother. This
narrative positions us to consider whether we are the same person we
were in our youth, or if growing old has changed us totally. We are
left to ponder whether the challenge to pursue her old talents, that
may take her back to the excitement of her previous life, would be
satisfying, or whether motherhood will remain as her role and thus
define her life, but confine her talents.
With its explicit sexual description and references, and its adult
themes, this novel would be appropriate for adolescent and adult
Elizabeth Bondar