Penguin's Christmas wish by Salina Yoon

Bloomsbury, 2016. ISBN 9781408882566
Pumpkin really wanted a Christmas tree this Christmas but there are
no trees on the ice where penguins live. But Penguin had an idea and
after loading up the sled and going on a long journey with little
brother Pumpkin, his friend Bootsy and Grandpa, they found
themselves in the middle of a forest where Pinecone had grown into a
magnificent tree. The penguins decorated Pinecone with all the
trimmings they had brought on the sled and it was so beautiful that
Penguin wanted to share it with everyone.
That night a storm blew up and a blizzard shrouded the tree and the
landscape. In the morning there was nothing to be seen. Penguin is
very sad but Grandpa tells him Christmas is about love not presents
and decorations. So Penguin goes off into the snow and shares what
he has learned. And when the snow begins to melt, he finds that
wishes do come true.
The sixth in this series about Penguin, this is a charming story for
young readers about family and friendship and sharing and finding
magic in unexpected places. The simple shapes, bold colours, and
thick, black outlines that are distinctive of Yoon's illustrations
will appeal to young readers in their simplicity, and while the
penguins all look the same she has given each a distinctive feature
so littlies can distinguish them and know who's who. And Penguin's
ingenious Christmas presents will help them understand that gifts
don't have to come in rich wrapping and cost a lot of money. Perhaps
they will use their imaginations and give those they love some
really personal, unique gifts too.
Barbara Braxton