Pelle No-Tail pulls through by Gosta Knutsson

Translated by Stephanie Smee and Ann-Margrete Smee. Piccolo Nero,
2017. ISBN 9781863959476
(Age: 6-8) Swedish author Gosta Knutsson wrote his series of twelve
books about the affable cat Pelle Svanslos between 1939 and 1972.
Pelle No-Tail is a friendly black and white cat whose tail was
bitten off by a rat when he as a kitten. Stephanie Smee and
Ann-Margrete Smee have translated Knutsson's anthropomorphic tales
for a new audience of young readers.
Pelle No-Tail Pulls Through is the third book in the series,
here Pelle's nemesis Mans and his minions Bill and Bull repeatedly
try to trick and upset him. Mans organises a big Swing Fair for all
the neighbourhood cats, but all his tricks to embarrass Pelle
backfire and he ends up in a scuffle instead.
When Pelle's family get ready to take him on holiday to the
Bergslagen forest, where they can fish, relax and have fun Mans
warns Pelle about the fierce Bergslagen troll who lives in the
forest and likes to eat cats. Luckily, Pelle meets a local cat Sigge
who shows him around and quickly clears up the myth about the troll.
Each chapter is easy to read, there is fun and humour added as Mans
continuously tries to swindle and cause mischief to Pelle No-Tail.
Lovissa Lesse's sketches show the emotions both Pelle and Mans
experience. The use of Swedish phrases and locations add interest to
these junior chapter books, just right for a reader who enjoys
animal tales.
Rhyllis Bignell