Pegasus by Robin McKinley

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Puffin Books, 2011. ISBN 9780141338095.
(Ages 10+) For thousands of years the humans and pegasi have leaved peacefully in the beautiful green country past the wild lands. Their only means of real communication is through pegasi shamans and human magicians and that's the first thing either species learns about the other. So when Sylvi is bound to her pegasus, Ebon, on her twelfth birthday it is a big surprise when they can understand each other. Within a few weeks they become best friends, but some people do not like that they can understand each other and believe it's dangerous. As their bond becomes more powerful it does become dangerous and their friendship could threaten to destroy the peace and safety of their two worlds.
I enjoyed this book heaps. I would recommend this book because not only is it a good book, it also had an amazing friendship in it, Sylvi and Ebon, that would just about be impossible to break.
Tahlia Kennewell (Student)