Pearlie in Paris by Wendy Harmer

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Ill. by Gypsy Taylor. Random House, 2011. ISBN 978 1 74166 380 8.
(Age: Junior and early Middle Primary girls) Well recommended. This is another of the enduringly popular Pearlie series and although a well known formula, none the less it's a style girls enjoy. From the colourful front cover depicting the Eiffel Tower and the title in glitter, the reader embarks on a Parisian journey of pure delight. Fifi's spring collection is in tatters until Pearlie saves the day with a clever twist! The smooth, colourful and exciting illustrations on smooth quality paper will delight the young reader. A little French is dusted through the text. As usual the font is well sized and clear. Even an Australian slang word, 'reckon' slips in. Some of Pearlie's exclamations are clever. For example she says 'roots and twigs' on p25 in response to seeing Fifi's collection in small pieces. Percy the snail's dilemma of eating Fifi's flower dresses and then find escargots on the menu makes for humorous reading. Young female readers will enjoy this fairy story.
Sue Nosworthy