Pearlie and the Silver Fern Fairy by Wendy Harmer

Random House, 2011. ISBN: 978 174166 3792.
Highly recommended for ages 5 and up. Pearlie's adventure begins when
she arrives in New Zealand and meets Omaka, the Silver Fern Fairy. Her
task is to visit each of the animals on Omaka's list and invite them to
the party she is planning, to celebrate Grandfather Tuatara's 150th
birthday. Colin the Kiwi, Hoki the kakapo and Wanda the short-tailed
bat are all on Pearlie's list. At first, Pearlie is worried because she
has no idea what the first two creatures may look like yet she manages
to find them. Although Pearlie expects to find Wanda the bat hanging
upside down in a tree, it is not where she finds her. With all of the
invitations delivered Pearlie heads back to find Omaka. She begins to
worry that there may something dangerous waiting for her which would
also explain the differences she has noticed.
Harmer has struck a winning combination in the Pearlie series as she
aims to simultaneously educate and entertain her readers. Here, she
introduces various words and phrases from the Maori culture as well as
the animals particular to New Zealand. There is a strong conservation
theme which is highlighted at the end of the story. This title would
support any unit on endangered species or studies of other countries
and serves as an introduction to the concept of human impact on the
rainforest ecosystem. It places the responsibility of caring for nature
firmly back on the reader. Containing minimal text, this could be read
quickly to a junior class to begin conversation on any of these topics.
Thanks to Gypsy Taylor's stylised cartoon type illustrations and the
vibrant gem coloured backgrounds, children can hardly fail to be
entertained as well. Another winning title!
Jo Schenkel