Parachute by Danny Parker

Ill. by Matt Ottley. Little Hare, 2013. ISBN 978 1 921894 20 6.
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. Safety. Feeling safe. Toby never goes
anywhere without his parachute. Waking up and getting out of bed,
eating breakfast, cleaning his teeth - all are done with his
parachute on his back, making him feel safe. And he is. Going to the
zoo, he needs his parachute to help him when he sees something that
scares him, sliding on the slippery dip, seesaw and the swings, his
parachute is there to keep him safe.
One day looking at his tree house, perched at the end of a long rope
ladder in the backyard, he notices that Henry is stuck up the tree,
even higher than the tree house. He climbs to the tree house to
rescue Henry, his cat, telling him not to be scared. He brings the
cat down to the tree house where to help the cat get to the ground,
he unwraps his parachute and gently lowers the cat to safety. Toby
then climbs down himself without his parachute, taking small steps
one at a time, until he too is safe on the ground.
A lovely tale of overcoming fear, of building strengths to do things
by yourself, of exploring and of helping others, this book brims
with good feelings.
The illustrations are simply magical, showing a little boy almost
overwhelmed by his parachute, taking his mother's hand, or hiding
behind her, but suddenly seeing that his friend is in trouble and so
forgetting his own fears, dives in to help Henry without any
scruples of his own.
The perspective Ottley gives to the child's view of his world
reminds the reader of his smallness compared with objects such as
the tree house, a ladder, a chair, the tree and an elephant. Each
however grows smaller as Toby overcomes his fears. The wash of
virtual oil paint, pastel and pencil glows with life as we see Toby
little by little leave his parachute behind.
The whole book has the feel of a fable, as Toby learns to overcome
his fears, brilliantly executed in both text and illustration, I am
sure it will find a place in all classrooms, libraries and homes as
teachers, parents and children reach for it to read aloud, discuss
and contemplate.
Fran Knight