Pants and More Pants by Giles Andreae and Nick Sharratt

David Fickling Books, 2010.
(Ages 2-99) Highly Recommended. Originally published as two separate
books, Pants and More Pants is a celebration of underwear in all its
glory - whether gracing royalty or gorillas. It has delighted members
of my family ranging in age from three to forty three, including a
world weary teenager who was observed chuckling at the pictures (in a
post modernist way) while eating his breakfast. The 'books are boring'
seven year old loved reading it to his younger brother who is at a
stage where putting underpants on your head is the height of comedic
Sharratt's hilarious illustrations and Andreae's rhythmical rhyme make
this a perfect book to read aloud and share. According to
research children laugh up to 300 times a day compared with only
fifteen times for adults. Read this book to a young child and you'll
enjoy a full day's dose in the space of a few minutes. Great fun and
highly recommended.
The last page suggests you design some pants of your own, so be
prepared with crayons and paper. I never realised how much fun drawing
knickers could be!
Claire Larson.