Pandora Jones: Deception by Barry Jonsberg

Pandora Jones bk 2. Allen & Unwin, 2014. ISBN 9781743318126
(Age: 14+) Highly recommended. Thriller. Dystopian fiction.
Pandemic. Survival. In Admission,
the first in the series, Pandora has been admitted into The School,
believing that her world had ended and that billions of people had
died in a pandemic and the people at the school are the survivors
that will enable the world to continue. In Deception, Pan
teams up with Jen, a strong independent girl, to try and see if her
fears that The School is betraying her and that her nightmares about
everyone being dead have been implanted. Pan is determined to find
out the truth, and together with Jen, breaks rule after rule in her
quest to find out what is happening.
In a clever first chapter Jonsberg encapsulates what has happened in
the first book through Jen's memories and lays the groundwork for
the story to follow. When she talks to Jen about her suspicions, Jen
doesn't really believe in them, but as an adrenaline junkie is more
than happy to take big risks, and to accompany Pan as she prowls The
School and the nearby village looking for answers. The reader is
taken on a roller coaster ride of midnight swims through dangerous
waters, hang gliding in a flimsy home-made glider and facing a huge
storm at sea, all vividly described and leaving the reader reading
on to find out whether the pair will survive.
With Nate out of the picture, the story concentrates on the
characters of Pan and Jen, and the reader gets to know them very
well and to see how their different skills and expertise lead them
on their quest. Those who like a romance will be tantalised by a few
references to Nate and a cryptic message, 'Trust me' left with Pan,
but the friendship that grows between the two such different
characters as Pan and Jen is a highlight of the book. Other
characters, especially the staff, are almost shadow figures, but
very sinister all the same.
Jonsberg is a very accomplished author and this shows in this
beautifully crafted, exciting novel that kept me gripped in the
excitement surrounding the two girls. The cliff-hanger at the end
left me gasping and wishing that this was one series that I had all
three books to read at once. I can't wait for the next one.
Pat Pledger