Out of Copley Street, A working-class boyhood by Geoff Goodfellow

Wakefield Press, 2020. ISBN: 9781743057575.
(Age 14 - adult) This is a powerful memoir that tells the story of
the young Geoff Goodfellow growing up in a working-class suburb of
Adelaide in the 1950s and 1960s. In an innocent, intelligent and
brutally honest narrative, Goodfellow tells the story of his boyhood
in the northern suburbs. The narrative plunges us into the reality
of Geoff's life with his family, their struggle to make ends meet,
and his determination to find work to help the family by earning an
income, even though he knows that he ought to complete his
We are positioned to see the man he will become in the photograph on
the book's cover, his grin suggesting a friendliness and sense of
humour that is very much reflected in his narrative. Deciding to
make a life for himself that is true to his personality and apt for
his situation, he initially takes on work as a milkman. Finding that
this does not work for him either, he works with a local butcher for
a short while but finds that this too is not right. We are aware of
his father's struggle to work, his experience fighting in the war
having left him deeply troubled. Geoff's decision to take on work on
an oil rig shows his determination to find a way to earn an income,
and thus to help his family by supporting himself.
This narrative is vividly persuasive, as it becomes evident to the
reader that Goodfellow's talent lies in his ability with words, in
his vivid evocation of his experiences throughout his childhood and
adolescence, seen so vividly in his storytelling. This compelling
narrative would be suitable for all readers from early adolescence
through to adults.
Elizabeth Bondar