Our love grows by Anna Pignataro

Scholastic, 2015. ISBN 9781743626269
(Age: 3+) Love, Families, Pandas, Growing. In the forest the baby
panda, Pip, asks his mother when he will be big. She responds by
pointing out all the things they know in the forest: trees once as
high as Pip, have grown into huge trees, seasons have passed as
flowers bloom and then their petals fall, just like the pinecones
falling from the trees, and his toy, Birdie was once new and shiny
but is now a little scruffy. Through rhyming phrases Piganataro
shows the passage of time. Pip's blanket once covered all of him,
but is now small, his footsteps in the snow were once very little,
but now are much bigger, the songs they sang together seemed to take
forever, just as their games once did. And just as he has grown so
has their love.
This is a sweet story to read to younger children. Through it they
will be reassured that they all grow, just like the trees and
flowers. Their understanding of the passage of time and what happens
to them will be enhanced, and with a parent or teacher discussions
about life cycles can be developed. The idea that above all else the
bond between parent and child is steadfast and loving, is paramount.
Pignataro's soft watercolour illustrations suit the topic admirably.
The pale greens contrast with the softness of the brown trees and
the water with its silky blues contrasts with the floating boat. The
endpapers parallel the blanket that Pip uses as a young panda and
many children will recognise the early need for such a prop, but one
that is now left behind. Pignataro is the author of the popular Princess
and Fairy series.
Fran Knight