Our dog knows words by Peter Gouldthorpe

Ill. by Lucy Gouldthorpe. Hachette, 2015. ISBN 9780734416346
(Age: 4+) Warmly recommended. Dogs, Families, Dog training,
Responsibility. With charming illustrations showing a family and
their dog, this book does far more than point out the words a dog
can understand. It is a guide to how to treat a dog, how to teach it
to be part of the family, understanding words and treats, fitting in
with the lifestyle of the family which owns it and the family's
responsibilities in having a dog. The pages show the family training
their dog with treats, to sit and stay, roll over and fetch. The
illustrations show a happy family and contented dog, lying on the
bed together. All children will melt at the illustrations and the
reader too while neither the reader or listener will be able to hold
back laughter at the antics shown by both the dog and its family.
The favourite words are left to last. These are the words that
families have to spell out as the dog gets very excited hearing
them. Words like W.A.L.K. and C.A.R. are just as easily understood
by the pooch, and the last few pages are left to the last words of
the day: bed.
Children will love looking at the antics of the dog in the house,
and recognise some of the responsibilities of the family towards
their animal in training it and treating it well, feeding, washing,
taking it for walks, introducing it to other dogs and so on. A
delightful book to begin talking about pets and responsibilities.
Fran Knight