Our baby by Margaret Wild

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Ill. by Karen Blair. Working Title Press, 2015. ISBN 9781921504785
(Age: 0-4) Recommended. Babies (Human). Families. Siblings. Brothers and sisters. Our baby is an observance of families, all sorts, nuclear, with two mums or two dads and those that live together or live apart. The babies are the stars of this book, with Margaret Wild's simple descriptive text and Karen Blair's bonny babies exploring their world.
There are babies with milky mouths, little ears and snotty noses and bald heads just like Grandpa's. They have fun with so many activities, cycling in the baby seat with a leopard helmet, visiting cafes or crawling with their bottoms in the air. They enjoy life and bring a sense of wonder and love to their families and siblings.
Onesies of every colour and pattern clothe the youngsters, as they wibble-wobble in the bouncy swing, look at the world upside down or are wrapped up in a mess of toilet paper. Karen Blair's use of pen, ink and gouache brings a lightness to all of the baby activities. Each is fun to explore. There's the banana about to be thrown in the toilet, the dress-up page with a colander hat and teatowel cape; all enjoyable everyday experiences.
A delightful picture book for families to share.
Rhyllis Bignell