Other Worlds series by George Ivanoff

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Ill. by James Hart. Random House Australia, 2018.
Game World book 3. ISBN 9780143786238
Dark World book 4. ISBN 9780143786252
(Age: 8-11) Recommended. Themes: Friendship, Adventure, Zombies, Gaming. "Find the key! Open the doorway! Enter the other world!"
George Ivanoff's gripping portal fiction series continues with "Game World" and "Dark World". Each stand-alone story features new characters facing challenges, obstacles and competing for survival in an alternate world.
"Game World" centres around a world of virtual reality, when gamer Hall puts on the VR helmet and is transported into a strange game world where humans and computers battle to survive. Field Marshall Maheera meets Hall and warns him that he is in the middle of a war, fighting drones of all shapes and sizes. He must use his gaming skills to discern what is reality and what is virtual and find a way back home. Hall's online nemesis Randomizarbian actually assists him in his mission.
"Dark World" begins with Newt and Rowan waiting in Principal Hardnose's office after an altercation in Science class. They remove a magical book from the principal's library and on opening it a portal appears. They are a drawn in to a sinister world filled with piles of rubble, destroyed buildings and zombie-like creatures roaming around. Newt and Rowan discover a laboratory run by an evil scientist intent of destroying the Darkness with a bolt of energy from her Volt Cannon. This conjures up a huge spider-like creature and a royal character from another portal which results in magic and mayhem. Newt and Rowan learn to rely on each other and overcome their differences as they seek to escape from the Darkness.
The books in the "Other Worlds" series are exciting fast-paced junior novels, filled with action, adventure, mystery, set in alternate realities. With both boy and girl protagonists and themes of friendship, collaboration, accepting diversity and problem solving, these novels will engage readers from ages 8 and up.
Rhyllis Bignell