Ostrich boys by Keith Gray

Random House, 2008.
(Age 13+) Highly Recommended. A compelling exploration of
friendship, trust and loyalty driven by a punchy storyline and three
very realistic and likeable teenagers.
Unusually in teenage fiction girls take a back seat as Gray explores
friendship among boys. In one telling episode Kenny's new girlfriend
questions just how supportive boys are of each other, suggesting that
they never talk in depth or discuss their emotions. For Blake, Kenny
and Sim actions certainly speak louder than words. Enraged by the
hypocritical adults present at the funeral of their friend Ross they
want retribution and justice. In a moment of madness they steal Ross's
ashes and head for Scotland to the place he always longed to visit.
Along the way they meet numerous colourful characters and in true Road
Trip tradition encounter some very hairy situations. However as the
title suggests the three friends are hiding both secrets and emotions
which begin to unravel as it becomes clear that the circumstances
surrounding Ross's death are not as straightforward as they first
This is a complex plot that unfolds gradually and inexorably, testing
friendship and loyalty to the limit. Gray has such a sureness of touch,
driving the Road Trip plot with consummate skill and empathy and using
episodes of black humour to relieve major tensions and anguish. By the
denouement I felt I really knew these boys and I didn't want to leave
them behind.
Try this one with your male readers. Fans of Kevin Brooks are sure to
love it.
Claire Larson