Once a shepherd by Glenda Millard

Ill. by Phil Lesnie. Walker Books, 2014. ISBN 9781921720628
(Age: 7+) Recommended. War, Kindness, Loss. The shepherd tends his
flock with love and care, and marries Cherry, his childhood sweat
heart. When he is called to war, she makes him a greatcoat to keep
him safe, sewn together with love. But it cannot keep him safe and
an enemy soldier stays with him as he dies, taking his greatcoat
from him to return it to his wife.
The bare bones of the story ring of the futility of war, of the
conflict that makes people takes sides, even though they are the
same beneath the uniforms. Love and kindness will prevail despite
what nations do to each other. It is a salutary message in these
times of hatred between groups within our societies and the story
offers hope to the young children who read it.
The circle of life, shown through the making and the return of the
greatcoat and its making and then remaking as a child's toy,
reiterates the theme that life endures, no matter what is thrown up
against it. Again, a positive idea for children to absorb.
Millard's verse, perfectly distills these ideas into a seamless
narrative, evoking sympathy for the soldier called away from his
family to war, to the family left at home, then the soldier from the
opposing forces returning to console the grieving mother and her
The endpapers with their woollen cloth, speaks volumes of the amount
of material needed to clothe soldiers at war, and the needle and
thread in the corner too speaks of the ties that bind us. The soft
watercolour illustrations are evocative of the family and its life
and the life taken away.
Fran Knight