On track by Kathryn Apel

University of Queensland Press, 2015. ISBN 9780702253737
(Age: 9-12) Highly recommended. Family Life. Brothers. Sports.
Disability. Achievement. Resilience. Another exciting verse novel
from Kathryn Apel, this time she focuses on sibling rivalry, sports
and overcoming a physical condition with determination and
Toby has a body that stumbles, he's uncoordinated and finds sports
challenging. His older brother Shaun is better at everything, sports
and his school work. Mum's decision to seek a diagnosis for Toby's
condition makes a huge difference. With Lisa the occupational
therapist's guidance, he begins a new way of coping with school and
home life. Coach Lawrie, Shaun's athletics trainer teaches him
techniques to fire up his sensory system and program his muscle
memory. Mum, Dad and Toby keep Shaun out of the loop and he is left
feeling jealous of Toby's new laptop - a tool for school not a toy
and the time Coach Lawrie takes to train his brother. When Toby is
chosen to attend Athletics Camp as well as Shaun, tensions rise,
each brother has a different journey. The School Sports Day events
test both brothers and is an exciting and insightful time in their
family's life.
The author's use of alliteration, line placement, metaphors,
figurative language and imagery, and the alternate voices, are
powerful tools that add insight into the dynamics of family life,
sibling rivalry, determination and empowerment. This is an
emotionally powerful narrative, great for a class novel.
Dad often says I'm a stone bull in a glass shop, but Mum tells him
I'm a gazelle on track now.
Kathryn Apel's blog
and the UQP website provide additional information and teachers'
Highly recommended for 9-12 year olds.
Rhyllis Bignell