On the farm by Roland Harvey

Allen and Unwin, 2012. ISBN 978 1 74175 882 5.
(Age: 8+) Recommended. Picture book. Agriculture. Humour. For those
who have enjoyed Roland Harvey's series of books about holiday
adventures around Australia: going to the beach, the bush, the city,
the top end and Western Australia, here is another to enjoy, as the
family goes to visit Uncle Kev on the train. All sorts of
experiences are to be had, many emulating the nursery rhyme, Old
MacDonald had a farm. For those new to the work of Roland
Harvey this is a treat, showcasing his style of presentation, the
array of little figures and drawings, pages filled with life and
movement, inventions, humour and things to search for.
Each double page opens to a different vista of the farm. One of my
favourite pages is that with the orchard, where Henry is sent to
spread the poo to fertilise the trees. Most of the page is covered
with the fruit trees and between the trees is drawn an array of
things to catch the attention of the readers. On the bottom left
hand side an old car is making its way to the trees with the owner
singing, 'I'm a fruit tree' which will be parodied by many of the
readers. Along the road are several other cars of indeterminate
vintage with extraordinary appendages. One child is flying a kite of
sorts, another is sending a letter by pigeon post, while further
into the trees people are picking fruit in various ways. In the
centre of the page is a small train pulling along several of the
family, while a tractor is pulled by a pig. And that's just for
starters. Each double page will hold a child's interest for quite a
while, as they look at each of the little pictures drawn and relate
it to the text on the left hand side. And I love his poem about the
Each of the family has work to do to get the place ready for the
festival, as well as cope with Kev's foray into the world of
Very funny, absorbing and informative, all readers will have such a
good time with this book as they pore over the minutiae of life
displayed on each page.
Fran Knight