On my way to the bath by Sarah Maizes

Ill. by Michael Paraskevas. Bloomsbury, 2012. ISBN 9781408825884.
(Ages: 6+) Recommended. Picture book. Humour. What a treat, Mum
calls for Livi to come and have her bath, but Livi has too many
other things to do between her toy strewn bedroom and the bathroom.
There are statues to build, somersaults to practice, music to dance
to, her guinea pigs to talk to, a jungle to explore while all the
time mum's voice is becoming more insistent, as her speech bubble
gets bigger and bigger, using all the words that many children hear
over and over again. The repetition of the opening phrase on each
page, 'On my way to the bath', will encourage children to join in,
and the story of all the things which occupy Livi's attention will
be familiar.
The illustrations, in bright, bold colours will delight younger
readers as they spy all the things included on the page. Livi's cute
face smiles out from the front cover inviting children to open the
book, and her antics will ensure that they will read to the
end. The interaction with her family is lovely, underlined by the
drawings of the baby and sister, and long suffering mother, while
the images of the adventures she has on the way to the bath will
encourage interest and discussion.
Fran Knight