On my way to school by Sarah Maizes

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Ill. by Michael Paraskevas. Walker Books, 2014. ISBN 9780802737007.
(Age: 5-7) Recommended. Picture book. School. Journeys. A wonderful book about Livi and the attempts by her parents to get her out of bed and on the way to school, and her attempts to thwart them at every turn. Readers will love seeing the two stories on each page: Mum calling from beyond the page, giving instructions about getting out of bed or reminding her to take everything with her, while Livi dreams her dreams of a different life altogether.
Just as in On my way to bed (2012) and, On my way to the bath (2013) the girl, Livi is headstrong, knowing all there is to know and so just not needing to go to school. The illustrations move the tale along as well as giving voice to Livi's dreams, resulting in a very funny, evocative and most appealing story.
Her imagination runs wild as she sees an elephant as she brushes her teeth, or becomes a famous chef when eating breakfast, or an explorer when its time to pack her backpack, or flies with the lemurs in the school bus, and is a movie star getting from the bus to the classroom on the red carpet. All day long her imagination works overtime, until when it is time to go home, maybe she will be a teacher.
Livi is unstoppable, and readers will love to read of her exploits, seeing some of their own tactics in dealing with the instructions given in the morning. Livi has been at school a hundred times so does not need to learn any more but while at school, she does learn that being a teacher may be fun.
Fran Knight