Ollie's treasure by Lynn Jenkins

Ill. by Kirrili Lonergan. EK Books, 2017. ISBN 9781925335422
When Ollie receives a letter from his grandmother in the form of a
treasure map, he is very excited. What could his treasure be? Could
it be a new truck? Or walkie-talkies? Or maybe that game he had been
wanting forever? Full of excitement and anticipation he sets out on
the trail - looking for the tree with the biggest leaves and gazing
at the sky; smelling the brightest yellow rose that reminds him of
Gran; wiggling his toes in the grass by the fountain then listening
to the tinkle of the water as it splashes; and tasting a plump, red,
ripe strawberry in the bowl on the picnic blanket. Finally, he has
to lie down and look upwards - and there is a treasure. But it is
not what he thought it would be and he is angry and disappointed
until he notices the note that Gran has written.
This is a wonderful story about finding joy in the simple things
that are all around us just by using our senses and taking notice of
what it always there. Beautifully illustrated in a gentle palette
that accentuates the text, young readers could have fun talking
about what they would consider to be treasure and whether it has to
take the form of a physical object and discuss whether Ollie was
right to be disappointed and angry when his was not what he
expected. They could talk about their own favourite sights, sounds,
smells and surfaces and perhaps, as a class, identify a sensory
treasure trail around the school, map and travel it, taking photos
and writing about their discoveries. On a more personal note, some
might even get their own treasure map from their own grandmothers!
An original story with a wonderful message.
Barbara Braxton