Older by Pamela Redmond

Hachette, 2020. ISBN: 9780733645372
This story is written as a sequel to Redmond's earlier novel,Younger,
the book that was the foundation of a highly popular television
series in the USA. Redmond's follow-up novel takes us into her adult
life, the choices she makes and the challenges that she faces, after
the huge following that was elicited by the TV series. This book
would be suitable for adolescent and adult reading.
In Older, Redmond describes the issues that a new mother
faces, from the lack of sleep, the demands of a child, when life
before motherhood seemed so full, vital and energizing. Now we read
of the exhaustion, the need for patience when a baby is unsettled,
and the pressing need to have a break from the seemingly
never-ending demands of motherhood. We are able to see the pressing
need for help with the child, and how new mothers particularly seek
a solution to this issue. Redmond addresses the issue of the role of
grandparents in this modern world, and their challenges in this
Vital, interesting and very much a description of the modern world
of the clash of jobs, children, work and relationships, this novel
bares all. We are also taken into the world of television, where and
how programs are generated, written, performed and received by
audiences. This book provides a view of that world and it is indeed
a fascinating but incredibly demanding world.
Elizabeth Bondar