October, October by Katya Balen

Ill. by Angela Harding. Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2020. ISBN:
(Age: 10+ ) Highly recommended. October is a girl who thinks of
herself as a wild wolf living in the woods with her equally wild
father. In the woods she is confident and self-sufficient. She
spends her days digging, climbing, running, learning, scavenging,
growing food and using her imagination to make up fantastic stories.
She does not need the 'woman who is her mother' and the only time
she feels out of her depth is on rare trips into town for supplies.
On her 11th birthday October has just adopted a baby owl. She and
her father are following their annual birthday ritual when something
terrible happens, and suddenly everything is different.
October is wrenched out of her wild life. She feels lost and angry
in equal parts and shuts down.
It takes time, bravery, love and friendship for October to let new
people into her inner circle and become open to finding something to
be excited about again.
October's relationship with her parents is a clear theme throughout.
Her father is fair, wise and warm as he guides, encourages and
protects her. Her connection with her mother is complicated and
sometimes ugly, but her mother offers unconditional love along with
great patience, grace and kindness.
Katya Balen uses long sentences to brilliantly convey the
breathlessness, anger, excitement, bewilderment and imagination of
October. The illustrations by Angela Harding show the baby owl
maturing, stretching and thriving throughout the story, mirroring
October herself.
The end is very moving and satisfying as October comes back to the
woods, where nothing and everything has changed.
"Being wild and free is different for every person and every thing
and it can be folded into the woods or whirling through the city
Includes a sneak peek at Balen's 2019 middle/upper grade novel, The
space we're in.
Themes: Family, Relationships, Imagination, Nature, Fathers,
Kylie Grant