October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard by Leslea Newman

Candlewick Press, 2012. ISBN
(Age: 16+) Highly recommended. Matthew Shepard was a 21 year old gay
student who was savagely beaten, tied to a fence and left to die;
all at the beginning of Gay Awareness week at his college in 1998.
And the guest speaker for Gay Awareness week was Leslea Newman, the
author of this verse novel which is a moving and powerful response
to a shocking crime of hate.
It is a slim volume of 68 poems which unfold chronologically; the
first part focuses on the night Matthew was attacked, the second
part on the subsequent trial. Surprisingly perhaps, given the
subject matter, this is not a difficult book to read. Indeed there
is a certain beauty and elegance about the volume which makes the
story it tells even more shocking. And this dichotomy is nowhere
more apparent than in the cover: a seemingly peaceful pastoral scene
which takes on new meaning with the prologue poem The Fence
Cleverly, the author offers us unique perspectives on events: from
the fence which held Matthew to the moon looking down upon him, from
his cat waiting anxiously at home to the shoes he wore on that
fateful night. The one voice we do not hear is Matthew's. Yet the
humanity of his tale is more imaginatively evoked by revealing how
many were touched by his death.
Newman weaves her tale with a variety of poetic forms, some quite
simple (haiku and rhyming couplets) and some more complex (pantoums
and villanelles). Often it is the sheer simplicity of form that will
strike a chord with the reader whilst the variety complements the
varied voices. Newman's 'explanation of poetic form' at the end of
the volume, only adds to the value and depth of the work.
Newman's sympathy clearly lies with Matthew and she openly labels
his attackers as 'monsters'. However, extensive notes at the
end of her collection outline her sources and the context of each
poem and if readers are concerned about her bias, there are also
several pages of resources for further viewing.
If October Mourning is A Song for Matthew Shephard, it is also a
song of hope: that we can learn from his death. This is not just a
lesson in humanity, it is an extraordinary achievement.
Deborah Marshall