Oathbreaker: A prince among killers by S. R. Vaught and J. B. Redmond

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Random House, 2010. ISBN 9781864719864.
Highly recommended. This continuation of Assassin's Apprentice finds Aron still fighting to come to terms with the loss of his family and how he can use his grail safely both within the codes of Stone and his own highly developed sense of honour. He is also developing feelings for Dari and this adds to his confusion and anger.
Readers who enjoyed the first book, will not be disappointed by this fast paced sequel. The characters are well developed (faults and all) and the setting comes to life. I liked the way that each chapter is written from the point of view of Aron, Dari or Nic. This way you really feel like you are understanding them and their often conflicting thoughts and feelings as they deal with the many problems facing not only themselves but Stone and Eyrie as well.
Like many fantasy books this one deals with big issues like good and evil but what I particularly like is the way that personal issues are interwoven with this so that you can feel the pain that Aron, Nic and Dari feel. The other characters are strongly drawn and live up to their names like Stormbreaker and Snakekiller, but others like Zed and Raaf also come to life. The non-human creatures such as the mockers, rock cats, manes and Talons help in rounding out the book. In fact I think this is what I like most about this book, it comes to life with a setting helped by maps and characters that you really care about. I finished this book wanting more and I think those who enjoyed Assasin's Apprentice will not be disappointed.
David Rayner