Now playing : Stoner and Spaz II by Ron Koertge

Candlewick Press, 2011. ISBN 9780763650810.
(Age: 15+) This equally entertaining follow up to Stoner and Spaz
continues developing the relationship between Ben and Colleen. She is
making headway in her fight against drug addiction and gaining some
acceptance from Ben's grandma. She is the only girl that seems
indifferent to his cerebral palsy and he loves how she makes him feel.
However now he has met A.J. and not only is she clever, stable and
ambitious, she also shares Ben's passion for movies. While Ben is
trying to work out what he really wants, Colleen tracks down the mother
who abandoned him as a child. Now he has another complicated
relationship to challenge him.
This book has the same witty, fast paced dialogue as its predecessor
and is an enjoyable read. It covers the same issues of drug addiction,
disability, relationships and self acceptance however Ben's character
is more mature and evolved. Readers who loved the first book will enjoy
this one too.
Tina Cain