Now by Morris Gleitzman

Puffin Books, 2010. ISBN 9780670074372.
Ages 10+. Warmly recommended. Zelda, named for her grandfather's best
friend who died at the hands of the Nazis, is looked after by her
grandfather when her parents leave for Dubai. She has some trouble
coping with the bullies at school, and when she tells them of her
famous grandfather, a doctor of some repute, she is vilified by her
classmates. She tries to make amends, but in so doing destroys her
grandfather's precious letters from his patients, collected over many
years. All the while, Gleitzman, with consummate ease, builds up a
picture of Zelda's grandfather and what happened during the war. Zelda
drops in little bits of information about him, trying to please him,
but ultimately making him remember things he would prefer to forget.
Gelitzman's accomplished writing leads the reader to laugh and cry with
the two main protagonists as slowly all of the grandfather's secrets
are revealed, and Zelda realises why he always calls her Babushka,
rather than her given name.
In the background, bushfires tumble across the hills of Victoria,
closer and closer to their home on the outskirts of Melbourne. Fleeing
is eventually impossible, and try as they might, they cannot sustain
their attempts at putting out the fires in the house. Eventually they
find shelter, digging open the hole Zelda's dog has dug, sheltering
within the earth, covered by all of their blankets and doonas. When the
fire has passed, another disaster unfolds, as their neighbor, Josh,
finds it impossible to breathe and so grandfather and Zelda must
operate to clear his windpipe.
Gleitzman's skill at distilling major events down to a few pages is
staggering. Within the grandfather's time surviving during World War 2,
we hear stories of heroism and regret, survival and tragedy. The story
of the Victorian bushfires too is distilled into two families,
surviving the fires by with courage and a large amount of luck. Both
stories are presented thoughtfully and reverently, with room for the
reader to ponder such tragedies, one a natural disaster, and the other
of human hands.
Grandfather Felix's story has been told in two other books, Once and
Then, showing his life surviving the Nazi holocaust, but these do not
have to be read to understand or appreciate Now, although having read
Now, I'm sure readers will search out the other books.
Fran Knight