Norton took something by John Dickson

Berbay Publishing, 2018. ISBN 9780994384140
(Age: 5-7) Recommended. Theme: Honesty. This is a first chapter
book for independent readers with large text and black and white
illustrations on most pages. The story starts with Norton secretly
taking something special from his sister (we are left in the dark
about what it is and why he takes it, which only helps to make it
easier for readers to place themselves within the story). His sister
April, devastated by the loss of her lucky charm, turns into a 'big
pile of sadness'. Norton is sad too 'because he had made a special
thing-sized hole in his sister's life and she had filled it with
tears and anger'. Norton wants everyone to be happy again but he
does not want his sister 'to see him as someone-who-steals-things'.
He decides to bury the thing so he is not reminded of what he has
done, but this does not work. He still feels bad and doesn't know
how to make it stop; it creeps into his mind at the strangest of
times, blocking his learning and borrowing his hunger. Finally,
after a discussion with his teddy bear, Norton decides he needs to
say sorry and give the thing back to April. Yes, April is angry but
eventually they hug it out and everybody ends up feeling really
The strength of this story is its insightful way of describing
emotional behaviour and feelings in a way that is tangible and
visual ('She held her breath, let it out, then held it again. Her
face looked like it was on fire.') We do not see or know what the
thing is; just that it brings joy not just to April but also to
everyone else. This means that children can imagine the thing as
something that is special to them, placing themselves into both
Norton and his sister's shoes. It emphasises that it is OK to make
mistakes but that it is better to own up to what we have done or our
conscience won't let us move on. Norton's family are so supportive
and model to children and parents appropriate, yet realistic
Nicole Smith-Forrest