Norman the Knight gets a fright! by Mark Sperring

Ill. by Ed Eaves. Bloomsbury, 2108. ISBN 9781408873991
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Themes: Knights, Dragons, Employment. When
the four children and their cat apply for the job of helping Norman
the Brave, a knight of renown, they are surprised at what he expects
them to do. Their work involves darning his large pile of socks,
ironing his pants, cleaning his armour and scrubbing him in the bath
after fetching loads of hot water. They must then squeeze him into
his armour, and use a hoist to lift him into his horse's saddle,
after first catching the unresponsive animal. They are all ready to
go to the Royal Parade, Norman looking very brave and shiny after
all the efforts of his knaves, our four friends by contrast looking
shabby and weary. At the parade the knights are set upon by a group
of brigands and bandits, while trying to deal with a fire breathing
dragon. Norman and the other knights cower in the background while
the four knaves take charge, putting out the dragon's fire and
seeing off the brigands and thieves.
Norman then puts his knaves further off side by bragging about his
exploits at saving the day whereas the knaves know what really
happened, making the readers laugh at the knight's duplicity. The
work might not be the job for our four friends, and at the end of
the story, another workplace seems to be before them, making sure
the readers will want to see the next book when the four try out
working with a magician.
Told in rhyming pairs of lines, readers will love predicting the
rhyming word as each line is read, and be intrigued with some of the
new words offered: knave, brigand, bandit, which they may not have
come across before. There are hilarious illustrations with lots of
detail to look at, funny faces and situations to laugh at, as well
as a lesson to be discussed about humility, and information included
giving readers an insight into the lives of knights and knaves
during Medieval times.
Fran Knight