Nora's chicks by Patricia MacLachlan

Ill. by Kathryn Brown. Candlewick Press, 2013. ISBN 978 0 7636 4753
(Age: 5+) Highly recommended. Picture book. Friendship. Belonging.
Migration. When Nora and her family move from Russia to take up
farming in the American prairies, life is very different from the
life they left behind. Father has his work, mother has her colourful
house, even her baby brother Milo finds a stray dog to adopt, but
Nora is alone. She misses the hills and trees of Russia, her family
and her friends, until one day father brings home a dozen chicks and
2 geese. Nora adopts them immediately, disallowing her father's idea
that they be raised to eat. The birds follow her everywhere, even to
church, and it is after church one day that she finds one chick is
A neat resolution saves the day and Nora finds a friend in the girl
on the next farm through her chicks.
The sweeping prairies are beautifully drawn by the illustrator, and
bring the vastness of the new land home to the reader. Small things
dot each page reminding us of the isolation of these people, and of
the new life they have chosen to live. That the new arrivals have
come from a vastly different setting is made clear through mum's
pictures on the wall, and the few treasures they were able to bring
with them. Their clothes show them to be different as do their head
scarves and even the way they tie their hair. Details such as these
cry out to be noted and discussed.
This is the story of all who set out to make a fresh start, a new
beginning, finding comfort in the new, making friends and overcoming
loneliness. It is the story of so many of us, and all readers will
find something in the story to identify with and feel part of.
Patrician MacLachlan is the author of the beautiful, Sarah plain
and tall, a Newbery Medal Winner in 1986, which was made into
a film.
Fran Knight