Noor Inayat Khan by Gaby Halberstan

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A & C Black, 2013.ISBN 9781472900135.
(Age: 11+) This book will instantly draw you in, as it begins with a rather confronting scenario of the main character being beaten by her Nazi captors. For this reason I would be careful recommending this book to children under 11 years, especially if they are sensitive.
The book is based on the true story of a World War 2 heroine, Noor, a British wireless operator. It begins with her secret flight into Paris, where she joins the French Resistance. Nazi forces are everywhere. I liked the tension and suspense the story creates, as more and more of Noor's fellow spies are betrayed and captured by the Nazi forces.
The best thing about the book, is the courage and bravery of many of the characters, who repeatedly put themselves in danger, to help others. It is clear that without these selfless acts of sacrifice, many more people would have suffered and died. It is a good reminder, especially to those of us here in Australia, who have never experienced a life affected by war, that people are capable of doing amazing things, especially in times of extreme hardship. It certainly makes you appreciate that we have a stable government and so, so much freedom, and how precious that is.
The other thing I liked about the book, is the honest way it deals with the feelings Noor is experiencing, as she is desperately trying to stay one step ahead of the Nazi forces, and prevent being captured. Despite being afraid, tired and Britain's last wireless operator in Paris, she finds it within herself to continue on. The heart warming thing is, she is never quite alone, her fellow resistors, her thoughts, the kindness of strangers, all help her along her amazing journey.
Tiffany Boyer