Nog and the land of noses by Bruce Whatley

Scholastic, 2011. ISBN 978 1 74169 8091.
(Ages 6+) Picture book. Recommended. What an absolute delight to read
this fine book about difference. Whatley infuses his noses with amazing
qualities, readers will have a great time differentiating each nose and
the qualities each has as they read the book again and again. In a land
where everyone's nose has a purpose, or did something useful, Nog's did
not. His just is. There are fat noses and thin noses, noses that go up
and some that go down, and the delightful illustrations show the reader
exactly what each nose does. Nog is despondent, his does nothing. His
grandmother always said the Nog had a nose for trouble, but Nog could
not see the value in this, until one day, trouble comes to the
community and Nog smells it before anyone else. So a tale of sadness
becomes one where Nog finds that his nose, like everyone else's, has a
definite purpose.
Along the way, children will love the idioms used, nose for trouble,
catching a cold in the nose, picking nose or a running nose. The
illustrations show what the nose can do, but the words are ones the
class can laugh over as they see the difference between the words and
the illustrations or the accepted meaning of those words.
Fran Knight