Nobody by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Egmont USA, 2013. ISBN 9781606843215 Hardback.
(Ages: 14+ ) Highly recommended. Family dysfunction. Suspense.
Romance. Discrimination.
I like Jennifer Lynn Barnes's writing style and the way she doesn't
fit neatly into any one genre. Her first series of books was about
werewolves (Raised by Wolves). Last year she published one
called Every Other Day, an action thriller in which her main
character fought demons from the underworld of hell, and 'every
other day' was a vulnerable human girl. It was a genius premise, and
Kali's determination and ferociousness about protecting people was
really well written.
And now we have Nobody. I don't know what genre to apply to
it. It starts off as an assassin book (Nix is ordered to kill Claire
for reasons unknown), it quickly morphs into
damaged-teens-find-each-other-and-bond story (Claire is lonely and
Nix is being manipulated), then they are on the run (this part of
the story is pure adrenalin), and of course there is a bit of
romance, a bit of conspiracy theory, and a bit of
exposing-the-baddies-for-who-they-are. Ultimately it's a
happy-ever-after story (thank goodness).
The main two characters, Claire and Nix, both narrate. Claire is a
lost and lonely 16 year old, who at times believes she is invisible.
Initially this is hard for readers to accept. Would even her parents
forget who she is? But Barnes is a deft writer who makes us believe
in Nobodies, Sensors, and Normals. Part of Claire's and Nix's skill
is to physically disappear, 'fly', and reappear somewhere else
entirely. This element moves the novel into sci-fi, but otherwise
the kids live in a fairly ordinary world. The book is often
repetitive with the two kids telling themselves over and over that
'I am nothing. I am nobody'. Initially it is degrading and weighs
them down, but eventually readers come to realise that this mantra
lifts and inspires them. Their 'nothingness' gives them power and
control in a world that has only used and discarded them. This is
highly empowering.
I like books that are quirky and original. Nobody certainly
fits into that category. It is also well written, with two
protagonists who are able to become world-savers when they find each
other and let themselves care and love.
Trisha Buckley