No place for an octopus by Claire Zorn

UQP, 2019. ISBN: 9780702262609.
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Themes: Octopus, Sea creatures, Environment.
When a boy finds an octopus in a rock pool on the beach, he imagines
what it would be like if the creature were his friend. The octopus
is all alone in the rock pool and has no friends there with him, he
is hiding behind the seaweed and looks hungry. They could do all
sorts of things together: the animal could bathe in his bath, eat
his food, read a book with him, go on the roller coaster, travel and
be very quiet.
The boy watches the animal in the rock pool, pondering its
environment and sees the array of things children can find in a rock
pool: seaweed and shells, small fish, sea urchins, crabs and
limpets, ledges and shallow water in which animals can hide. The
octopus peers at the boy from behind his seaweed and the boy decides
that the rock pool is the best place for the creature and leaves him
This lovely story, full of information about a rock pool and its
inhabitants, will appeal to every reader as they peruse the
illustrations for signs of life in the rock pool, listing the
various things they spot. The pencil and water colour illustrations
are marvellously informative, allowing the reader to pick things out
for themselves, and giving a subtle message about conservation at
the same time.
The hole in the cover will encourage readers to pick up the book to
read, and the faces peeping through at the reader are an extra
inducement guaranteeing a lot of enjoyment. The book will stimulate
discussion about why things are in a particular place, why creatures
are linked to the environment in which they live and the hazards of
removing them from their environment. Classes will get a buzz
reading about the possibilities of an octopus sharing their bedroom
and going on trips with them, seeing the inappropriateness of such
an action, underscoring again the link between an animal and its
environment. Teacher's
notes are available.
Fran Knight