No adults allowed by Gavin Aung Than

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Super Side Kicks book 1. Penguin, 2019, ISBN: 9780143795865.
(Age: 7-10) Cartoonist Gavin Aung Than's graphic novel champions the underdog in the super hero world, the sidekicks. When Junior Justice - JJ - decides he wants to be a superhero instead, he calls a special meeting at a secret warehouse location. He's tired of his subordinate role and wants to stop cleaning up after Captain Perfect, washing his costumes and organising his headquarters. It's time to turn things around.
He chooses Flygirl who's tired of being sidekick to Rampaging Rita who loves to destroy everything. Dinomite brings his communication skills - he can speak 47 languages and has a quantum physics degree. Watch him transform into any shape and size dinosaur, a flying pterodactyl or large and menacing T-Rex. Goo's slippery, slimy body allows him to fill spaces, block gaps and help fight crime. He's run away from evil Dr Enok's laboratory and is willing to help JJ and the other child super sidekicks.
After a cheesy photo and chocolate chip cookies, the sidekicks share their fantastic array of skills. When confronted by their angry adult superheroes who want their offsiders back, an all-out battle ensues, while Rampaging Rita bashes everything in her path, Blast Radius shoots lasers into the melee. When Dr Enok captures Goo and takes him back to the lab, Junior Justice, Dinomite and Flygirl, creatively work as a team to rescue the sticky creature.
Than's action-packed cartoons showcase the cast of quirky characters and their special abilities. He's created a world reminiscent of the 1960s' superhero shows, as good and evil battles against each other. JJ and his friends learn to value each other's skills, develop their friendship and utilise their problem-solving skills. No adults allowed is a super-exciting cartoon novel just right for super-hero loving readers.
Themes: Superheroes, Villains, Good and Evil.
Rhyllis Bignell