Ninth Grade Slays by Heather Brewer

Penguin, 2010. ISBN 978 0 14 320515 9.
Highly recommended. The second book in The Chronicles of Vladimir
Tod - Ninth Grade Slays, continues to follow the life of
Vladimir, his friend Henry and the trials of high school, particularly
when you are a little different! Vladimir has discovered girls, in
particular Meredith and is trying to work up the courage to talk to
her. His uncle Otis continues to write sharing knowledge with Vladimir
about his telepathy and how best to develop it. School begins and
trouble starts: photographers following him, grades slipping. A
trip to Siberian to study under one of his father's friends helps
Vladimir to hone his skills but on his return he must cope with a
vampire attack and confront the slayer hired to kill him.
This well written series is filled with intrigue, danger, search for
identity, friendship and life experiences and despite the market being
inundated with 'vampire' stories this stands out as one worth reading.
Tracy Glover