Night monkey day monkey by Julia Donaldson

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Ill. by Lucy Richards. Egmont, 2011. ISBN 9780749748937.
(Ages 3-6) Recommended. Another intriguing book from Julia Donaldson, the author of Gruffalo, this one tells the tale of two monkeys, one that sleeps during the day, another who sleeps at night. Each monkey has a different perspective on night and day, but when each one explains what is misunderstood, they become best friends. They often have breakfast (Day monkey) and tea (Night monkey) at dawn, chatting about what has happened.
This is a clever book that clearly illustrates the difference between night and day. With amusing examples, Donaldson show what comes out at night like owls, bats and fireflies, and what comes at during the day like butterflies and parrots. Shadows, which can be clearly seen during the daytime but disappear at night, are introduced in a delightful way that is sure to fascinate young children.
This is a great little story to read aloud. Both internal word and line endings rhymes make it fun to listen to and it could be a good story for the beginning reader to try.
Lucy Edwards' illustrations are bright and colourful and bring both day and night to life. Details against the deep blue of the night allow the reader to discover what is happening. Night is contrasted beautifully against the paler blue of daytime.
This book is one I will keep for my grandchildren to enjoy over and over again.
Pat Pledger