Night lights by Lorena Alvarez

Nobrow, 2016. ISBN 9781910620137
(Age: 12+) Recommended. Picture book for older readers. Night
lights is a beautifully illustrated story, touching on how
fear can make us doubt ourselves. At night, Sandy's imagination
allows her to catch the lights that come into her room. She then
uses them and her imagination to draw amazing designs and images.
During the day, Sandy attends a strict school, determined to squash
independent thought and creativity. She meets a new student who
loves her drawings and at the same time an entity appears in her
dreams, trying to persuade Sandy to draw for it and only it; trying
to persuade Sandy she cannot draw without it. Sandy's drawings
change from amazing and detailed to scribble. What will she do to
get her confidence and her creativity back? Is this new student
really helping or is there something more sinister at work?
Night lights is a picture book for older students and is
recommended for readers aged 12+. Even then, readers will need an
adult to sit with them and discuss the themes of fear and personal
insecurity. It would be a great book to read with students who need
help to build resilience, modelling how one person can take control
of their fear and use it to their benefit rather than being
controlled. While these themes seem heavy for a children's book,
Lorena Alvarez has used her amazing design and artistic skills to
approach a topic that can be tricky to discuss. See how Sandy
doesn't let fear control her. See how she controls it!
Kylie Kempster