Never eighteen by Megan Bostic

Definitions, 2012. ISBN 9780547550763.
(Age: 12+) Recommended. Cancer. Death. An American book which has a
similar theme to Before I die, is Never Eighteen by
Megan Bostic. Austin asks his best friend, Kaylee to take him to a
few places one Saturday. He asks an older woman who he seems to know
well, to ring her daughter. He sees a boy he has not seen for a
while, and listens to his story about why he has dropped out of
life, then visits an old girlfriend he knows is being beaten by her
current boyfriend. He offers advice. He calls on a boy he bullied
many years before to apologise. The reader realises he has a list of
people whose lives he feels he can put back on track.
He has a list of people he wants to see before he dies, making sure
that things unsaid will be said, ensuring that their lives can be
improved. But he has only a few months to live. He wants his parents
to get back together, he knows that still care for each other, but
are unable to communicate. He wants his mother to talk to her
mother, estranged since his parents' split. He wants above all to
tell Kaylee that he loves her. In the background we hear of Austin's
bout with cancer, as he comes to the decision not to have any more
chemotherapy. He wants to be alive for his last few months, not
doped and in pain.
Never Eighteen does not have the emotional depth of The
Fault in our Stars, or Before I die, but is
nevertheless a gripping read, and has been well received.
Fran Knight