Naked Mole rat gets dressed by Mo Willems

Walker Books, 2009.
3-7) Recommended. Naked mole rats are a little bit rat, a little bit
mole and
are all naked, except for Wilbur the naked mole rat who likes to get
All the other moles think that he is very peculiar and go to Grand-pah
complaining about his lack of nudity. Grand-pah is very wise and after
thinking makes a proclamation. But his response is a big surprise.
winning author Willems has created a funny and appealing race of
creatures with
his little naked mole rats. Young children will find them irresistible.
illustrations are a delight with each naked mole rat looking individual
- just
by changing the shape of the ears and eyes in the illustrations!
It is
a great story about being prepared to be an individual and sticking to
beliefs even when everyone else thinks that you are wrong. The message
of being
prepared to look at things in a different way and answering the
question 'Why
not?' is never didactic but rather couched in gentle good humour. A
book for all the family.