My school project: Family, friends and furry creatures by Liz Pichon

Tom Gates series, book 12. Scholastic, 2017. ISBN
(Age: 8-11) Recommended. Boys. Family life. School
activities. Family trees. Drawing. Tom Gates is back with another
humorous diary packed with furry creatures, silly doodles, fun
cartoons and a running commentary about school and home life. What
happens when his shoes make loud raspy sounds on the way to school,
on the newly polished hall floors and in class? Tom tries
unsuccessfully to make everyone believe it is no shoes day at
school, but Mr. Fullerman sends him to the office and Tom has to
wear a pair of dazzling white gym shoes. Class 5F are building their
family trees, interviewing their family members to find stories of
their lives for this project. Tom creatively draws his baby picture
when he forgets his photo.
Of course, nothing is ever straightforward with Tom Gates, even
though he tries hard. He's a great procrastinator; he'd rather be
eating snacks or creating furry creatures with sticky tape and
pencil lines. Tom uncovers loads of interesting facts about his
family and his friends. There is the Wrinklies - his grandparents
who have been travelling around the world for the past seven years,
even swimming with sharks. There is lots of humour in Tom's unique
school project, he reveals family secrets, embellishes his
grandparent's careers and includes some rather embarrassing moments.
Liz Pichon's Tom Gates series is perfect for reluctant
readers who enjoy stories told through visual presentations,
cartoons, doodles and sketches. The text is minimal, presented in a
variety of formats, styles and sizes, handwriting, bubble writing,
emphasized words, block writing and words made out of patterns. My
school project : Family, friends and furry creatures is
another fun addition to the popular Tom Gates books, recommended for
a readers from 8-11.
Rhyllis Bignell